Nat Raha

Dr Nat Raha is a poet and activist-scholar, based in Edinburgh, Scotland. She is the author of three collections of poetry, of sirens, body & faultlines (Boiler House Press, 2018), countersonnets (Contraband Books, 2013) and Octet (Veer Books, 2010). Her creative and critical writing has appeared in South Atlantic Quarterly, MAP Magazine, The New Feminist Literary Studies (Cambridge UP, 2020), and Transgender Marxism (Pluto Press, 2021). Her poetry has also been anthologised in We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics (Nightboat Books, 2020), ON CARE (MA Biblioteque, 2020), What the Fire Sees (Divided Publishing, 2020) and Makar/Unmakar: Twelve Contemporary Poets in Scotland (Tapsalteerie, 2019). Nat has performed her work internationally, and her writing has been translated into French, Galician, German, Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovenian and Welsh. She co-edited ‘Imagining Queer Europe Then and Now’, a special issue of Third Text journal (January 2021), and co-curated the ‘Life Support: Forms of Care in Art and Activism’ Exhibition at Glasgow Women’s Library (2021). Nat holds a PhD in queer Marxism from the University of Sussex, and co-edits Radical Transfeminism Zine.