Maggie Nicols

Maggie Nicols is a Scottish free-jazz and improvising vocalist, dancer, and performer, currently based in Wales.
Maggie joined London’s legendary Spontaneous Music Ensemble in 1968 as a free improvisation vocalist. She then became active running voice workshops with an involvement in local experimental theatre. She later joined the group Centipede, led by Keith Tippetsm and in 1977, with musician/composer Lindsay Cooper, and formed the remarkable Feminist Improvising Group. She continues work today music and theatre, either in collaborations with a range of artists (Irene Schweitzer, Joelle Leandre, Ken Hyder, Caroline Kraabel), as well as solo.
Following her two critically acclaimed solo albums on Cafe OTO’s OTOROKU label, we welcome Maggie for a very rare solo performance on piano and voice.