How to get here
Maryhill Community Central Hall is on a fairly busy road. There is a blister paved beeping crossing to cross the road very near to the hall entrance. The pavements have drop curbs in the nearby area.
The nearest bus stops are Seamore Street, on the same side of the street as the venue, and North Woodside Road, on the opposite side of the street to the venue. The buses that stop here are 17, 60, 60A, 61.
The nearest subway station is Kelvinbridge which has an accessible entrance and exit. The journey from this subway is estimated at approx 20 minutes at a leisurely pace.
Taxi: There is some available roadside parking to be dropped off or picked up across the road from the hall by the Tesco Express. If you are at the venue and need a staff member to call a taxi for you or help you order a taxi please speak to someone who is described as below in the staff section.We recommend Glasgow Taxis, their phone number is: 0141 429 7070.
There is some available roadside parking across the road from the hall by the Tesco Express.
If you are having issues with travelling to or finding the venue please call this number: 07939607934 which is answered between the hours of 10am and 4pm.
This event will be supported by two staff teams, one from the venue and one from Counterflows Festival. Maryhill Community Central Hall staff wear their own clothes. Counterflows Staff and Volunteers wear black t-shirts with a Counterflows 2023 design on them:
The staff will be scattered around the venue and will be present to assist with opening doors, using the lift, finding a seat and any other support requests you have.
Safe Space
Within the venue there will be a designated safe space. This space is for people who require respite from the festival or will be used by our safer space representatives if audience members or artists are feeling vulnerable. Our safer space representatives will be wearing a pink butterfly.
There will be earplugs available at all venues and a limited number of ear defenders. Ask at box office or any member of the Counterflows team.
Building Main Entrance
The entrance to the building has a permanent concrete ramp with a rail, the floor is smooth and even. There are four steps up to the main entrance with a bannister. There is an automatic main entrance door. To get to the performance hall which is called the Reid Hall, you will need to go to the first floor which can be reached by the stairs on the left or the lift straight ahead.
Tickets will be checked at the door by a staff member. You can provide either digital tickets on your phone or a paper print out.
There will be security at this venue but they won’t be checking bags or IDs on entry.
Getting to Reid Hall from the main entrance
The Reid Hall is one room within the Maryhill Community Central Hall building. The building has many doors and rooms which are not being used for this event. To get to Reid Hall you will need to take the lift or the stairs.
The Lift
The lift is straight ahead from the main entrance. It is small and can fit one wheelchair and one standing person or three standing people. The lift has a very bright fluorescent strip light in it which could be triggering for those who are affected by migraines or bright light sensitivity.
The Stairs
There is one set of steps up to the first floor. There are 33 steps. The stairs are wide and they have a bannister on one side.
Reid Hall
The hall is entered through heavy doors which are propped open during events or a staff member will be present to open and shut them for you if you need. The hall is in a ‘thrust’ style with seats around three sides of a drop level stage. The floor is carpeted smooth and even. Only the mezzanine level is wheelchair accessible and step-free. There are several sets of heavy double doors to access all sides of the mezzanine but they will be propped open during events or there will be staff present to open them for you.

Reid Hall
If you need step-free seating, you can sit anywhere on the mezzanine level. There are fold out loose plastic chairs with backs for those who need to or would like to sit on the mezzanine level.
The other seating available is rows of fixed chairs around the perimeter of the stage which can be accessed by walking down no more than 12 steps. These chairs are fold-down fixed theatre seats with a padded back and seat and wooden arms.
The accessible toilet is on the first floor and can be accessed via the lift or the stairs from the main entrance (see previous info). It is right outside the Reid Hall. The door is heavy and not automated but there will be a staff member there at all times to open it for you if you need. It has grab rails, a lowered sink and an alarm cord.
General Environment
Maryhill Community Central Hall is a multi-purpose building where there are many different groups and activities happening in the day and some activities and events happening in the evening.
The space has been decorated in neutral colours and the lighting is generally soft everywhere apart from in the lift where there is a bright fluorescent strip light. The only noticeable pattern is the small mosaic on the floor outside the entrance.
The Performance: Saturday 5th April: Ash Reid + Yan Jun
- We recommend turning up 10 minutes before the performance starts so to get to your seat in time
- You can leave and re-enter the space at any time during the performances
- Lights will be on before and after each performance, but there will be less lighting and dedicated stage lighting during the performances.
- Caregivers are more than welcome to attend this event, but afraid this event will not be suitable for children.
- Ash Reid and Yan Jun’s performances will be in the centre of the room and may involve audience participation. If you don’t want to participate we recommend getting a seat in the room near the back of the space.
Emergency Evacuation
The fire alarms have flashing lights.
In the instance of a fire or emergency that requires evacuation you should head to the nearest emergency exit which has lit-up green signage. You will be guided by the staff.
Step-free evacuation
Evacuation via lift is the only step-free evacuation option. This limits how many wheelchair users we can have at the event safely and require that you let us know you are coming beforehand by contacting the venue by phone: 0141 331 7676
We realise that this is not an adequate level of accessibility for wheelchair users to our events at this venue and we are working on improving this.
If there is an access barrier here that we have not covered please let us know as we strive to make everyone welcome at our events. We are happy to try and provide solutions to any access barriers that may stop you from attending an event in person if you want to be there. If you would like to contact us for a chat or to share any access requirements please email or call us.
If you would like to discuss any access related concerns or questions you have please contact Counterflows by phone or email.
Email: counterflows@gmail.com
Phone: 07939607934
If no one answers please… leave a message/email: counterflows@gmail.com
To notify the venue that you need to use the step-free entrance with ramp and lift please contact the Maryhill Community Central Hall by phone or email.
Email: chrislang@centralhalls.org
Phone: 0141 331 7676
For additional access information provided by the venue, please follow this link: https://www.accessibilityguides.org/content/community-central-halls